Arctic minor participates in UArctic course

Submitted by Elena Rene Vargas-Guzman on

The University of Washington is an institutional member of the University of the Arctic, a cooperative network of universities, colleges, research institutes and other organizations concerned with education and research in and about the North. As an institutional member, UW students can take UArctic courses at no cost and apply those credits to their transcript. This summer, Stephanie Masterman, a major in American Indian Studies and minor in Arctic Studies, enrolled in Circumpolar Studies 100 through UArctic. She shares her experience here:

This summer I had the unique opportunity to participate in a UArctic course hosted by the member institution Trent University. The course, Introduction to the Circumpolar World, was held online with students participating from around the world. Many of the students were from Canadian provinces and others were from Russia and, like myself, the United States. As an Arctic Studies student at the University of Washington, I was eager to engage with other students studying Arctic environments, peoples, and policies from not only different countries, but from different places within the Arctic circle too. We learned about the diverse geography and Indigenous cultures of the Arctic circle, as well as the complex history of colonization in different communities.

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