News Archive

Image Title Published
Tribal Journeys in the New York Times
Shanoa Pinkham
2011-2012 Miss Yakama Nation Shanoa Pinkham!
Dance with Wolves movie poster
Summer course: AIS 360 - Indians in Cinema
Dian Million
Dian Million's "Felt Theory" Is an Award Finalist!
Native Voices at the Seattle Art Museum
Club Native film poster
Cinema of Sovereignty: Tracy Deer (UW Event)
Indigenous Knowledge Systems - 10th Annual NASAA Symposium
American Indian Film Festival at Bellevue College
Flyer about Leonie Pihama's talk
UW Event: "Decolonising Theory: Centering Traditional Knowledge within Indigenous Theorising"
The Autumn course listings are up!
Interesting objects from the AIS office, #1
AIS summer course offerings
Plasi Cocowee, a memer of the Salish Tribe, works on Kerr Dam at the height of its construction in 1937.
The Place of the Falling Waters Screened at Ethnic Cultural Center
Native Voices students, past and present, gathered recently at the 2008 Native Voices Film Festival. Photo by Daniel Hart.
Native Voices: Blending Filmmaking and Resarch